Mantra For Today #1

You can only become happy when you decide to be happy.

Happiness is everywhere. It’s up to you to whether smile over something trivial or frown over the usual.

Happiness is within you. 

Choose happiness everyday… always.


What’s New?

Aside from this personal blog, I guess there are a few new things from me:

  1. I dyed my hair with the tone I never thought I would have – Golden Ash Blonde.
  2. After two years of working in the hospital, it was my first time yesterday to get a medical certificate and to be sent home during my shift. Yes, I was unbelievably sick yesterday. I got 4 days of sick leave with consent from the company doctor.
  3. Lastly, I just turned my back on the things I can’t control. Don’t want to elaborate on this, though.



Daily Dilemma

I used to write a lot. I simply turn my laptop on and words come flowing harmoniously as I type every letter to form each word to complete an article, an essay or a poem. But, that was a long time ago…

I used to take photographs all the time. I simply point my lenses and shoot. Post-process every picture afterwards and share them online. But, that was also a long time ago…

Though I can’t write more often now nor take countless photos in a day, I still have not ended my hopes in getting to better days where I can do these things I’m passionate about without any materialistic dilemma.

I am a writer without a laptop but I have pen and paper and that “notes” application on my phone where I can type the words my brain urges to throw into thin air at the most random moments of the day.

I am not really a photographer without the perfect camera but I do have a camera phone that I bring along to take the images I can keep. I also have this thing called “memory” where I store all the beautiful picturesque scenes I have encountered that no one could ever see but could only hear about from me.

Although I don’t have the best of everything right now, I am still grateful for having the tools I need to get by.

I used to have the best things that I got too comfortable and forgot to take care of them. Now, I have the little things that help me continue my passion and this time, I’m not going to take them for granted.


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Where do I start from here?

11th of May at exactly 10 in the evening, I’m writing the first post for this blog and I hope I don’t screw up this time.

I used to create blogs in the past – okay, during my teenage years – when I was so dumb and naive. My blog sites before were nothing but a scrapbook of love notes and what-nots, simply a journal of a teenage girl who repeatedly got dumped by the people she likes.

Oh well, I’m hoping for a change this time. A 20-something me versus the teenage years of my life. Let’s see where this goes.

And yes, this is gonna be the final personal blog I’m gonna create.

